Article name Conceptual Space Represented by the Verb LASSEN in German
Authors Shorstova S.A.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.112.2
Article type
Annotation The article is aimed to solve a problem of a unity of a polysemantic word. The author proposes to integrate cognitive views on a problem of polysemy in general. A polysemantic word is a complicated cognitive formation, which requires an integrated approach to its study. This article suggests using a category of a conceptual space to describe structuring values of a polysemantic word. A conceptual space is meant as a form of existence of a definite language phenomenon and as a methodological category which provides a wide field of possibilities for description and explanation of various language phenomena. Analysis of the verb LASSEN in German as an integrated conceptual space shows a methodological value of this category in the study of polysemy in general.
Key words concept, concept sphere, categorization, conceptualization, prototype, verb LASSEN
Article information
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Full articleConceptual Space Represented by the Verb LASSEN in German