Article name Existential Constructions in the Epic Text (Based on the Yakut Heroic Epic Olonkho)
Authors Yefremov N.N.Doctor of Philology, associate professor, main researcher, Sector of Yakut Grammar and Dialectology
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Annotation The article is the first in the Sakha linguistics to review the functioning of existential constructions in the Sakha heroic epic Olonkho. As shown by structural-semantic analysis, such constructions are mainly employed within tirades describing the establishment of the epic land. Further, they are extended by parallelisms thus forming the base of the Olonkho introductory sentences. The reviewed constructions, as epic constituents, are characterized by alliterative-assonance, parallelized structure, and are aimed at detailed description and narration, which is the main creative method of the Sakha epic performers. Existential constructions of various structural-semantic types are used in Olonkho text. Among them, constructions of existence and quality development are the most common in Olonkho introduction. As language units, existential constructions are certain structural-semantic models, which present formalized existential structures as the plane of expression and typified existential propositions – as the plane of content.
Key words epic text, Olonkho, existential construction, hyperbole, tirade
Article information
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Full articleExistential Constructions in the Epic Text (Based on the Yakut Heroic Epic Olonkho)