Article name Functional Approach to Journalism, Advertising and PR Interaction
Authors Lobodenko L.K.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 80 + 659.1 + 659.4 + 070
Article type
Annotation In the article the authors examine journalism, advertising and PR interaction in terms of the functional approach. According to the researchers, the use of the functional approach to the study of the communicative media spheres interaction allows us to consider the media as an integral object, which realizes several basic elements (journalism, advertising and PR), performing both general and specific functional roles in determining this system in its integrity. The authors emphasize that characteristics of each communicative sphere in the media system are realized in different media texts genres, which take into account some specifications of the given information depending on the goal-oriented type of communication and its functions.
Key words journalism, advertising, PR, mass media, functions, media text
Article information
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Full articleFunctional Approach to Journalism, Advertising and PR Interaction