Article name Story as a “Middle-Journal” Phenomenon: Genre-Style Specifications and Communication Strategies
Authors Ponomareva E.V.Doctor of Philology
Bibliographic description
UDK 070.1
Article type
Annotation The article introduces the “middle-journal” concept as a phenomenon of middle-culture considered in the context of the contemporary socio-cultural space, including the local media market. The analog to produce scientific knowledge about the specific media phenomenon is the phenomenon of middle-literature. Based on the analysis of the anniversary issue of Story magazine, the author proposes a model of analysis of genre and style features of the edition, oriented to the fulfillment of the mission of education and entertainment, joining the interests of the cultural elite and the mass audience. The study of communication strategies used in a thematic anniversary issue, allowed us to draw conclusions about the typological characteristics of the social role and potential of the publications that make up the arsenal of this market segment.
Key words middle-journal, graphic model, genre and style characteristics, speech communication strategies.
Article information
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Full articleStory as a “Middle-Journal” Phenomenon: Genre-Style Specifications and Communication Strategies