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Article name | Specifics of Organization of Radio Journalist Work In Convergent Editorial |
Authors | Shamanova O.S.Lecturer |
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UDK | 80:659.1 |
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Annotation | The authors disclose the specifics of the radio journalist work in convergent editorial. Transformation of the television text to the radio text is focused on. Examples of journalistic materials created by journalism students of the South Ural State University on the basis of a 360-degree multi-media newsroom (including a student broadcasting company “SUSU – TV”, a training radio studio “Radio SUSU”, newspaper Technopolis, and a number of corporate websites) show the major changes taking place at the lexical, syntactic, and compositional levels of journalistic text by modifying the television material in a radio piece. The authors draw attention to the fact that development of journalism in the mass media convergence and acquisition of universal competences by the future specialists will enable them to carry out their professional activities in almost all areas of journalism. |
Key words | journalism, broadcasting, media, media text, convergence |
Article information | |
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Full article | Specifics of Organization of Radio Journalist Work In Convergent Editorial |