Article name Human Potential in Innovative Development of China
Authors Dugarova S.B.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.3
Article type
Annotation The level of development and dynamism of the innovation system are the foundation of economic growth. The main factor of economic growth is the development of all its elements. But the main wealth of any social system is its human potential. Innovative development involves the transition from development based on natural resources to development based on the active use of human intelligence in knowledge-intensive industries and discoveries in basic research. China is a country of surplus labor resources, but it needs human resources with higher level of professional training and education, along with material resources. To adapt to a powerful stream of innovations, the country must attract and preserve human potential. The article also discusses some measures taken by the Chinese government for the development of highly qualified personnel. The number of programs aimed at solution of thisproblem is outlined.
Key words People’s Republic of China, globalization, human potential, highly qualified personnel, competitiveness, innovative development
Article information
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