Article name Tibetan Medicine Historical Literature
Authors Zhabon Y.Z.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description
UDK 93/99 (093) (515)
Article type
Annotation This paper presents an analysis of the basic texts on the history of Tibetan medicine, which are providing the most accurate information about the volume, structure and characteristics of Tibetan medical historical literature. The analysis revealed some features of terminology to mark medical historical texts. To specify this group of texts Tibetans use several definite expressions. Among these terms the most commonly used is the word ‘Khog ‘bugs. A special genre of ‘Khog ‘bugs literature has defined among Tibetan medical writings that give the structure of the history of Tibetan medicine: the process of formation, functioning, development of medical knowledge, lineages of medical traditions; bibliographical and biographical information. Not many ancient Tibetan historical works of the genre ‘Khog ‘bugs have been preserved. Tibetan medical literature contains a wide range of texts which does not have any explicitly elaborated classification in the tradition itself. At the same time, to refer to such diverse in content texts, Tibetan scholars have used the specific terms established and entrenched in the tradition for centuries. According to this terminology, modern researchers can offer their own classification schemes of the Tibetan medical works.
Key words history of Tibetan medicine, Tibetan medicine written sources, oriental studies
Article information
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