Article name The Names of God in the New Testament and the Problem of their Translation
Authors Shikhalieva S.K.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81–2
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the lexical frame containing semantic and pragmatic equivalents of adequate translation of the New Testament text. Specifically, the paper focuses on issues of translating the Bible into newly created written languages, where the main religion of the local population is Islam. In the pagan society there were taboo names of the gods, so the Dagestan vocabulary based on taboo was of substitute character. Metaphoric substitution in the biblical texts of the peoples of Dagestan have lost touch with taboos and gained iconic feature. Metaphors and figurative language nomination, which is a characteristic feature of the artistic nature of theonyms, get a kind of expression in the language. Many theonyms let us speak about the fine aesthetic sense of an interpreter that is unnoticed, and their artistic wealth is not quite clear to those who use the subscript and semantic translation. For the purpose of analysis, lexical foundations of thetheonymsof Lezghin language groups represented in Dagestan and Azerbaijan (Agul, Udi, Lezghin, Rutul, Tabasaran, Tsakhur) are involved.
Key words text, metaphor, theonyms, nomination, language, culture
Article information
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Full articleThe Names of God in the New Testament and the Problem of their Translation