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Article name | Associative Space as a Condition of “Meeting” of a Successful Older Preschooler with Himself |
Authors | Akhmetova M.N.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor ildar.akhmetov@gmail.comMaksyutova G.Y.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 81 |
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Annotation | The issue of “personal space” of older preschoolers as dialogic associative internal field of “Self” interaction with an imaginary “Other” or “Others” is raised in this article. It is a meeting with oneself. Creative world of older preschoolers is a free world. An outside help is of “closed” character. The child builds his own “behavioral text” himself. Older preschooler is “an emotional artist of the world”. His success is an individual personality characteristic. The article reveals some technological solutions of the sense of beauty development as the beginning of meta-subject acquisition activity. The associative space, the field of possibilities, and the living world are shown in this article. It is possible to “enter” it; one can be in contact with it. The article presents the basic concept of “meeting” of preschooler with himself. This meeting is presented step-by-step, during the evolution of the associative space. |
Key words | associative space, successfulness of older preschoolers, “the meeting” |
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Full article | Associative Space as a Condition of “Meeting” of a Successful Older Preschooler with Himself |