Article name Pedagogical Concept as a System Creative Projection of Educational Situation
Authors Litavor V.S.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description
UDK 371. 385
Article type
Annotation The article examines educational concept projection as an educational situation. It’s both a process and practical actions.The main purpose is to direct students’ actions to technological tactic solutions to difficult problems. In such a presentation, a pedagogical concept is technological and humanitarian. It deals with a person and his interests. The center of the concept is personal interests of the Self and the Other, their life values, “living” knowledge. A pedagogical concept is an open educational situation. It is both a culture and a notion-image humanitarian sphere. A possible scheme of a concept lesson is presented in the article. Cognitive activity includes a discursive dialogue. “Meeting” of a person with himself is included into the scheme of the pedagogical concept, life values are formed.
Key words pedagogical concept, educational situation, concept lesson
Article information
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Full articlePedagogical Concept as a System Creative Projection of Educational Situation