Article name Pedagogy as a Science with the Interdisciplinary Framework and Practical Orientation
Authors Molonov G.T.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Damdinov A.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Education Minister of the Buryat Republic
Bibliographic description
UDK 37
Article type
Annotation This paper addresses one of the most important methodological issues of pedagogy, the question of the definition of pedagogy as a science. The authors consider this concept on the basis of the philosophical definition. This allows them to identify four elements in pedagogy as a science, to analyze them, and then formulate the authors’ definition of the concept. The paper particularly focuses on the concept of upbringing and the relation of pedagogy as a science with the system of the humanities and social sciences: philosophy, sociology, economics, and psychology. The authors express the view that pedagogy is at the intersection of the humanities and social sciences, and this illustrates the interdisciplinary character of pedagogy. The article also discusses in detail the role and importance of practice. According to the authors, the relationship between educational theory and educational practice is manifested in three situations: practice precedes theory, theory testing takes place simultaneously with the implementation of practice, and theory is created before practice.
Key words science, pedagogy, upbringing, education, interdisciplinary basis of pedagogy, practice, relationship between pedagogy and practice
Article information
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Full articlePedagogy as a Science with the Interdisciplinary Framework and Practical Orientation