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Article name | The Historiographical Analysis of Foreign Languages Teaching in Russia |
Authors | Levchenko О.Y.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 373(091) |
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Annotation | In this article the author turns to a consideration of the history of foreign languages teaching in Russia. Analysis of historical and pedagogical literature allowed the author to distinguish three periods of historiographical analysis of foreign language teaching in our country: pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet. The author refers to the scientists who turned to the problems of history of foreign language teaching in different periods, and gives a brief description of their work. Describing the pre-revolutionary period, the author appreciates the scientific works of K. D. Ushinsky. During the Soviet period a significant amount of papers were published, which were covering the genesis of foreign language education. The themes of investigations have expanded in the post-Soviet period and they were performed on a new methodological basis. Special attention is paid to the cultural orientation of foreign languages teaching. The author comes to the conclusion that the appeal to the history of foreign language teaching has doubtless relevance and deserves further scientific development. |
Key words | history of teaching, foreign language, historiographical analysis, pre-revolutionary period, Soviet period, the post-Soviet period |
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Full article | The Historiographical Analysis of Foreign Languages Teaching in Russia |