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Article name | Historical and Pedagogical Analysis of “Preconceptual” Period of Researching the Phenomenon of the Personality’s Image |
Authors | Sysoeva Y.Y.assistant |
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UDK | 37.01+17.022.1 |
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Annotation | The article focuses on the historical and pedagogical analysis of the phenomenon of the personality’s image. The author analyzes the images of a person of different cultural and historical periods, due to ideology, ethical and aesthetic values and cultural needs of the society. There is an idea of the essential link between education, culture and its dominant values which determine architectonics of the educational system to the formation or education of a certain type of the person depending on the paradigm of social development. In connection with this concept, the article focuses on philosophical and pedagogical understanding of “the personality’s image” phenomenon as a “cultural code” and the body-sign reflection of mentality of specific cultural and historical similarities in the aspect of “preconceptual” period of researching the image in the context of modern ideas about the structure and characteristics of the image of the personality. The author comes to the conclusion that from a pedagogical point of view, image of man of a new type in modern society explicating in the notion of “the image of the personality” in terms of culturological paradigm of social development must correspond to the ideas of the concept of a man of culture education. |
Key words | image of the personality, aesthetic education, personal example, self-expression of personality, a man of culture, culture, education, paradigm of social development |
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Full article | Historical and Pedagogical Analysis of “Preconceptual” Period of Researching the Phenomenon of the Personality’s Image |