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Article name | Continuing Professional-Pedagogical Education of Adults as a Structural Component of a Conceptual Model of Lifelong Learning |
Authors | Kozlova N.I.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
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UDK | 378.016 |
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Annotation | The paper is devoted to the constant renewal of professional skills of adults. The author researches into the essence of the phenomenon “lifelong learning”. Special attention is paid to the transformation of continuing professional-pedagogical education into a new self-developing system of secondary professional socialization. Considering the increase of innovations in Russian education at present, continuing education programs such as “Management in Education” and “Higher School Lecturer” are specifically described.The main purpose of the program “Management in Education” is continuing professional development of an administrator by means of developing his cultural and professional competencies. The article deals with a problem of teaching staff reproduction in the Russian system of higher education. An andragogical model of learning is suggested for being used in professional pedagogical training of a higher school lecturer. |
Key words | continuing professional-pedagogical education, humanistic theory of personality, secondary professional socialization, management in education, continuing education program, higher school lecturer |
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Full article | Continuing Professional-Pedagogical Education of Adults as a Structural Component of a Conceptual Model of Lifelong Learning |