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Article name | Distance Learning − a New Form of Information and Education Environment |
Authors | Tyurikova E.M.Teacher |
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UDK | 37.013 |
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Annotation | The essence of development and distribution of distance learning as an innovative technology in the Russian educational space in a context of historical approach is considered in this article. It analyzes the interrelation of concepts “distance learning” and “education environment”, as well as their distribution in Russian and foreign education. Conditions of realization of this education technology, tutorials and peculiarities of interaction between teacher and pupils are considered. Components of distance learning emphasizing telecommunication approaches are briefly described. The important point of the article is the historical analysis of essence of distance education and its difference from traditional forms of education. A degree of popularity of distance learning in education space of the Russian Federation is presented. On the basis of the analysis done, certain requirements to realization of distance learning taking into account education requirements of the Russian pedagogical environment are chosen. |
Key words | information and education environment, information and education space, distance learning, distance education, pedagogical system, information resources, innovative approach, technology, pedagogical interaction, educational requirements |
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Full article | Distance Learning − a New Form of Information and Education Environment |