Article name Creation of Cultural and Educational Environment in a Secondary School for the Development of Students’Abilities in the Context of Cooperation between the Participants of the Educational Process
Authors Abramova N.N.Teacher of the Russian language and Literature
Bibliographic description
UDK 371
Article type
Annotation One of the innovative approaches to cultural-educational environment in educational institutions – organization of the Parents’ Academy of Sciences – is proposed and justified in this article. This approach allows us to overcome some of the contradictions of the traditional system of education and to implement effective development of the able pupils in school practice. Creating of the Parents’ Academy of Sciences is one of the ways to solve problems of learning abilities of students through the development of individual potential of each student in the educational space of schools.The educational process in this case has personal meaning for every student.This article solves problems of productive school formulated by J. Dewey: the student has an opportunity to show their competence in front of the family and the community, this is a system of co-operation between home and school. In this context, the parents understand the problem and they are active participants in the educational process of their child.The productive feature of the Parents’ Academy of Sciences is to motivate students’ learning activity by assessing the quality of the educational process which is the product of the activity. The parents act as supervisors of child’s research activity, enabling the activity to be mobile and efficient. Thus, the Parents’ Academy of Sciences is organically integrated into the program of development of students’ abilities in secondary school.
Key words cultural and educational environment, pupil’s potential, effective development of able students, Parents’ Academy of Sciences
Article information
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Full articleCreation of Cultural and Educational Environment in a Secondary School for the Development of Students’Abilities in the Context of Cooperation between the Participants of the Educational Process