Article name Program-Legal Support of Information-Communication Interaction of Schoolchildren
Authors Dorzhieva L.B.Candidate of Pedagogy, Honoured Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description
UDK 371.8
Article type
Annotation The acute problem of children’s self-expression formation via children’s press activity as a social educational and upbringing institution is considered in the article. The development model of program-legal support of information-communicative interaction in modern society is analyzed. The author suggests new forms to widen information space of educational institutions and program-legal support for their joint activity. There is a necessity for interaction with the representatives of other institutions. Constant development of information-communicative channels and children’s press resources providing generations dialogue is a new way and communication means of children’s activity and creativity. It is information interaction that defines a new information-communicative society, but not computers, the Internet or mobile phones.
Key words children’s press, information-communicative interaction, educational-upbringing potential, children’s press activity planning, generations dialogue
Article information
References 1. Dorzhieva L. B. Sovremennaya detskaya pressa. Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo BGSHA, 2011. 246 s. 2. Dorzhieva L. B. Ot detskoy pressy − k preobrazovaniyu buduschego // Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo BGSHA. 2012. 108 s. 3. Tsymbalenko S. B. Podrastayuschee pokolenie v informatsionno-psihologicheskom prostranstve obschestva. M., 2011. 200 s. 4. Tsymbalenko S. B., Sharikov A. V., Scheglova S. N. Rossiyskie podrostki v informatsionnom mire. M.: YuNPRESS, 1998. 47 s. 5. Toffler E. Shok buduschego. M.: Ast. Moskva. 2008. 557 s.
Full articleProgram-Legal Support of Information-Communication Interaction of Schoolchildren