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Article name | Pedagogical Aspects of Disciplinary Practices in Military Commanders’ Management |
Authors | Kuryshkin S.Y.Commander |
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UDK | 371.545 |
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Annotation | The ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������article focuses on a very important problem of the reformation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The main aspect of consideration in this article is educational activity of military commanders. The author reveals characteristics of management of a commander and emphasizes discipline matters. The exactingness of commanders does not focus on soldiers’ personality but on their actions and deeds. According to the researchers, high demands of commanders should be combined with respect for the personal dignity of subordinates; commanders should considerate and respect their national feelings, traditions and customs. Disciplinary practice in military pedagogy is defined as a set of incentives and punishments applied, the use of the moral and psychological impact on the minds and feelings of soldiers in order to foster their high responsibility and conscientious attitude to execution of the military regulations requirements, and orders of military commanders. The author pays special attention to the application of the Disciplinary Code provisions. This article summarizes positive experience of military commanders in forming appropriate military discipline. |
Key words | disciplinary practice, management activity, educational activity of military commanders, Disciplinary Code, methods of military discipline upbringing, military discipline, incentives, punishment |
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References | 1. Vdovyuk V. I., Gerasimov V. N. Pedagogicheskie aspekty perevospitaniya voennosluzhaschih srochnoy sluzhby. M.: VPA, 1991. 2. Distsiplinarnyj ustav Vooruzhennyh sil Rossiyskoy Federatsii (utv. Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 14.12.1993 № 2140) (red. ot 30.06.2002). 3. Dragomirov M. I. O dolge i chesti voinskoy v Rossiyskoy armii: sobr. materialov, dok. i statey / avt.-sost. Yu. A. Galushko, A. A. Kolesnikov. M.: Voenizdat, 1990. S. 111–127. 4. Makarenko A. S. Metodika organizatsii vospitatel’nogo protsessa // Ped. soch. v 8 tomah, t. 1. M.: Pedagogika, 1983. 5. Prikaz Ministerstva oborony Rossiyskoy Federatsii № 166 ot 07.04.1998 g. «Ob osnovnyh napravleniyah podderzhaniya pravoporyadka, voinskoy distsipliny, organizatsii sluzhby voysk v Vooruzhennyh Silah Rossiyskoy Federatsii». |
Full article | Pedagogical Aspects of Disciplinary Practices in Military Commanders’ Management |