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Article name | Providing an Idea of Electronic Educational Resources and Their Current Status (on the Example of the Research Library of Zabaikalsky State University) |
Authors | Manikovskiy P.M.Postgraduate Student, Department of Pedagogy |
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DOI | |
UDK | 021 |
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Annotation | The topic of electronic educational resources in the learning process is popular in today’s educational community because the requirements to higher education institutions students’ access to electronic library systems are introduced. There is an increasing interest in innovative electronic and information resources against a background of a dramatic drop in attendance of all sectors of the traditional libraries.As a result, libraries are forced to evolve into resource centers, training centers and other agencies that specialize in providing public resources in addition to traditional access to electronic educational resources. The article highlights the chronological framework of the emergence and development of the problem of information resources, its evolution and current status. The article presents an approach to the use of electronic resources implemented in the academic library of Zabaikalsky State University. |
Key words | e-learning resources, digital library systems, domain, information resources, educational website, electronic devices |
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Full article | Providing an Idea of Electronic Educational Resources and Their Current Status (on the Example of the Research Library of Zabaikalsky State University) |