Article name Historical and Theoretical Analysis of Gnoseological and Ontological Approaches in the Psychological Concepts of the Early Modern Period
Authors Khisambeev S.R.Candidate of Psychology
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation Gnoseological and ontological approaches developed in the form of nominalism and realism in the Middle Ages, and they took the form of empiricism and rationalism in the early modern period. The article analyses the evolution of the framework of categories within the scope of these approaches, describes the basic features of gnoseological concept devised by John Locke, who pioneered associative psychology. It also considers the rationalistic ideas which were advocated by such giants as Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. The study brings an overview of the medieval ontological models presented in the religious doctrines by St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. It gives the analysis of the early modern ontological models which formed a fundamentally new worldview by stating that the surrounding reality is nature – the material substance existing in infinite space and time. The article characterizes the detached Cartesian model as it has a strong impact on the formation of scientific psychology.
Key words gnoseological approach, ontological approach, the framework of psychological categories, Locke’s gnoseological concept, ontological models of the Middle Ages and the early modern period, the Cartesian model
Article information
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Full articleHistorical and Theoretical Analysis of Gnoseological and Ontological Approaches in the Psychological Concepts of the Early Modern Period