Article name Adaptation of Children and Teenagers in the Conditions of Emotional Stress
Authors Mel’nikova I.E.Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.922.7
Article type
Annotation The paper considers regularity of the children’s and teenagers’ adaptive resources mobilization when provided with cognitive physical activity. The mechanisms of adaptation to an activity on the level of the vegetative and regulatory systems are thoroughly analyzed. The article is also devoted to the specifics of boys’ and girls’ adaptation and the role of an emotional stress in providing of the adaptive reactions. It has been established that on the level of the regulatory system the same regularities characterize both the cognitive and physical activities of the children and teenagers. The closest similarity of these processes stands out against the background of the formed motivation. These reactions are more variable and not always enough effective in a group of the children and teenagers who don’t go in for sport. While in a group of those who do, these reactions become unidirectional and are characterized by high efficiency of the adaptive resources mobilization even at preschool age.
Key words emotional stress, adaptation, children and teenagers, cognitive and physical activity, regularity of the adaptive resources mobilization
Article information
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Full articleAdaptation of Children and Teenagers in the Conditions of Emotional Stress