Article name Readiness of Pedagogical University Graduates to Activities in Emotionally Rich Environment
Authors Kotova S.A.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 15993
Article type
Annotation Professional activity in a “human-human” system requires high moral responsibility, wide competence, great labor, and provokes a rapid process of the professional deformation. The article theoretically substantiates the professional activity problems in a “human-human” system. The authors discuss the researches devoted to various aspects of the pedagogical activity considered as one of the most stressful among the socionomic professions. The paper presents the results of studying different personality characteristics of pedagogical university students which determine the efficiency of the activity in an emotionally rich educational environment. The study has revealed the problem zones of the students’ personal self-determination and established the areas of the developing work. The authors underline the necessity to address active harmonization and humanization problems of a pedagogue’s personality even in the period of coming into the profession, i. e. in the student years.
Key words professional activity, psychology of activity, professional deformation, emotionally rich environment
Article information
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Full articleReadiness of Pedagogical University Graduates to Activities in Emotionally Rich Environment