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Article name | Structural Organization of Sense Regulation of Professional Self-Determination of the Faculty of Journalism Students as Subjects of Activity |
Authors | Yashchenko E.F.Doctor of Psychology,Associate Professor |
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UDK | 378.015.3 + 316.61 + 378.016:159.9 |
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Annotation | The theoretical analysis of the problem determined the main approaches of the research: subject, structure-level and systematic. The concept “sense regulation” for us consists of such components as life-sense orientations, values, self-actualization characteristics, needs and reflexiveness. The results of empirical research of the structural organization of sense regulation of professional self-determination of the Faculty of Journalism students during the periods of training-academic and training-professional activity are shown in the article. The comparison carried out showed that these structural organizations are homogeneous with the students during the different periods of training, having different levels of self-actualization (SA). The paper reveals the differences of indicators of “structural weight” of professional spheres with the junior and senior students with different level of SA. The analysis of “structural weight” of professional spheres with the junior students with high level of SA showed that the basic spheres for them are human-sign, human-nature and human-human;the professional preferences as the component are not expressed in any sphere of professional activity with the students with medium level of SA; for students with low level of SA, the skills in no sphere are structure-formative components of their professional selfdetermination. Senior students of the Faculty of Journalism with high level of SA have such dominant spheres as human-image and human-human; with medium level of SA – human-sign; with low level of SA – human-technology, human-image and human-sign, in which the negative connections with components of sense regulation prevail.The indicators of the indexes of organization allowed us to define the most integrated structure of professional self-determination of the students in all periods of training activities with high level of SA, and their position of subjects of training is considered to be the most formed. |
Key words | journalism education, professional sphere, self-actualization, index of structure organization |
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Full article | Structural Organization of Sense Regulation of Professional Self-Determination of the Faculty of Journalism Students as Subjects of Activity |