Article name Peculiarities of Time Perspective of Families Nurturing Children with Disabilities
Authors Kulik A.A.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.922.761
Article type
Annotation The article provides the results of the empirical study confirming the fact that a complicated life situation related to the presence of a disabled child in a family brings to temporal personality’s disintegration. It shows that the absence of distinct link between life events and future perspective leads to the narrowing of time continuum. Fears stipulated by the indefiniteness of child’s disease termination are actualized among the conception of future representation. At the same time, parents of disabled children possess the specific settings upon child’s recovery assisting to the partial involvement of adaptive resources that allow them to overcome the negative experience related to their own and the child’s future. The lasting impact of stressful factors brings to the displacement of temporal perspective content by negative sorrows.The complicated issues of the disabled child’s upbringing in a family imply special social and psychological protection and support leading to social integration.
Key words time perspective, image of future, disability, complicated life situation, life events
Article information
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