Article name Socio-philosophical Analysis of Ethnocultural Diversity
Authors Zimina N.S.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description Zimina N. S. Socio-philosophical Analysis of Ethnocultural Diversity // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. PP. 13–19. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-13-19.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-13-19
UDK 171
Article type
Annotation In the globalizing world today, there is an interweaving complex and the unity of local, regional and national traditions. There is a need to explain the ongoing social processes and their cultural conditionality. Ethnoculturalism always remains a topical issue and is of interest both for theoretical understanding and for applied research. More than 190 nations live in Russia. Its ethnocultural diversity is its ontologizing feature. Each ethnos has its differences, features, in the course of interaction, the influence of ethnoses on each other also occurs. At the same time, ethnic cultures are included in the multi-layered Russian socio-cultural space. It is defined as a structured (in the unity of culture and sociality) form of the organization of human being and society, which determines their livelihoods. A socio-philosophical study of ethnocultural diversity is based on the principle of determinism (the interrelation of ethnic processes and, in general, social, the need to understand and accept the characteristics of ethnic culture). The study is based on a comprehensive methodological approach, which allowed us to determine ethnocultural diversity objectively and multilaterally. Socio-philosophical analysis of ethnocultural diversity allowed us to present it as a manifestation of the many peculiarities of ethnic cultures, their traditional values, meanings, norms of attitudes and behavioral characteristics expressed in the material and spiritual life of the people.
Key words ethnos, ethnicity, culture, ethnic culture, Russian socio-cultural space
Article information
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