Article name Features of Prosocial Behavior
Authors Kovrigina G.D.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Kovrigina G. D. Features of Prosocial Behavior // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. PP. 33–41. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-33-41.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-33-41
UDK 316.45
Article type
Annotation The article examines the features of prosocial behavior, which is the main condition for the solidarity of society. Various theoretical approaches to the study of the characteristics of perception of prosociality or readiness for solidarity are analyzed from the point of view of how its presence is assessed by people in themselves and in the other. The personal dimension of prosocial or conjunctive behavior is revealed in the work. It also discusses the features of the formation and realization of solidarity in its connection with the ethnic identity and functional groups in which the individual is included. The attitude to the “aliens” from the point of view of its importance for conjunctive processes was also studied by domestic scientists who studied this problem giving it an additional character, i. e. the presence of stress factors and adaptation in the new social framework and unpredictable social development. Prosocial behavior, solidarity as an emergent phenomenon arises as a result of some specific circumstances, actions and dispositions of people. This fact can be a starting point for the formation of a methodological framework for the study of prosocial behavior in psychology and related sciences.
Key words prosocial behavior, social interaction, social dynamics, solidarity, theories
Article information
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