Article name The Formation of Commodity Traits of a Person in the Context of Globalization
Authors Khaldeeva M.A.Postgraduate
Bibliographic description Khaldeeva M. A. The Formation of Commodity Traits of a Person in the Context of Globalization // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. PP. 58–63. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-58-63.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-58-63
UDK 339.13.012.42:316.324.42:004
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the issue of the impact of globalization on personality. The relevance of the work is reasoned by the necessity of theoretical understanding of globalizing world. The author considers the impact of globalization on the formation of commodity traits of a person. The author pays due attention to the fact that in terms of economic context, globalization poses new requirements, both for the type of human-to ‒ human interaction and for new labor type, informational one. The article is aimed at the identification of the characteristics of the formation of a new model of individuality in the context of globalization, taking into account the modern type of interaction and new labor type. The following research methods were used: the system methodology, the method of analogy, the prognostic method. The author tried to uncover the prerequisites for the formation of a new individuality model in terms of globalization.
Key words globalization, identity, service, market, Internet, online, commoditization
Article information
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