Article name Humanism as a Philosophical and Practical Universal of Human History
Authors Reshetnikov V.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Reshetnikova E.V.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description Reshetnikov V. A., Reshetnikova E. V. Humanism as a Philosophical and Practical Universal of Human History // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. PP. 64–72. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-64-72.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-64-72
UDK 1.245.2
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the origins of the formation, the principles of development and the results of the application of humanism as a philosophical and practical universality of human history. The authors consider the idea of humanism as an obligatory principle and imperative of universal history through the prism of the evolution and show practical and ideological forms of the development of humanism. Society is viewed as a field for constructing ideas and principles of humanism, as a constantly changing dynamic system that allows social reproduction to be carried out, while respecting the norms and rights of ethical and humanism. Society always possesses one or another form of humanism and translates the values of humanity consistent with the historical period. Humanism serves as a condition for the existence of the entire social system, allows us to transmit values and norms through the centuries, to designate the vectors of social development and mitigate social and cultural crises of social development. Humanism serves as a tool for changing the sociocultural fabric of social processes and forms new priorities for social dynamics that are built on the development and potential of various social groups and communities. Modern forms of reproduction, development and formation of humanism and humanization in human history in general and in modern Russian society are shown in honesty.
Key words humanism, universals, human history, philosophy, practice
Article information
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Full articleHumanism as a Philosophical and Practical Universal of Human History