Article name Two Tasks of a Holistic Philosophy for the Development of Society
Authors Gomboeva L.V.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description Gomboeva L. V. Two Tasks of a Holistic Philosophy for the Development of Society // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. PP. 81–88. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-81-88.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-81-88
UDK 502.315
Article type
Annotation The absence of ideology, the dominance of the materialistic worldview ‒ all this orients man not for the common good, not for self-knowledge and development, but for more tangible things: food, safety, pleasure, accommodation. It is difficult to achieve socio-economic development in a society that does not care about the day ahead. If we want development, then we need to raise the value level of consciousness, develop thinking, giving it an uplifting ideological, semantic and debatable space. Such a space, in principle, can be given by different spheres of culture and scientific disciplines, but the main role in the development of the mentality of Russians should belong to philosophy as a treasure of humankind, regular rethinking of which makes us smarter and better. But modern philosophical and other types of thinking are still far from ideal. Therefore, we must: a) recognize the mental obstacles that leave society in the space of negative thoughts and emotions; b) propose ideas and methods that bring people from the low-resource state of apathy and mutual alienation to the high-resource state of creativity, cooperation, “self-projecting of civic identity” (Yu. A. Gorbunova, L. I. Zabara), etc.); c) put the study of philosophy, especially the ethical-political-legal part of it at a serious institutional level; d) rebuild the educational system in accordance with the holistic ideas about the person and society, so that it can create the human and social capital necessary for the development of the country.
Key words holistic philosophy, tasks of philosophy, self-knowledge, self-expression, ethical-political-legal education
Article information
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