Article name Intercultural Interaction as a Factor of Transformation of Local Ethnocultural Groups (on the Example of the Old Believers of the Orenburg Region)
Authors Gerasimenko T.I.Doctor of Geography, Professor
Popova O.V.Head of Laboratory, Master of Geography
Bibliographic description Gerasimenko T. I., Popova O. V. Intercultural Interaction as a Factor of Transformation of Local Ethnocultural Groups (on the Example of the Old Believers of the Orenburg Region) // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. PP. 123–133. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-123-133.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-123-133
UDK 911.3:314.7:[39:2-86](470.56)
Article type
Annotation Old Believers for a long period of time were isolated from the outside world. They played a big role in the development of the Orenburg region. Globalization and inter-ethnic interaction inevitably led to an irreversible transformation of the ethnocultural system. The used evolutionary, chorological, and functional approaches, as well as a system of information-geographical, sociological, and cartographic methods, made it possible to identify patterns of development and spatial differences of the ethnocultural system of Old Believers. The article is based on the materials of the field research of the authors and is based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists. The role of Old Believers in the development of the region is shown. The geographical aspects of the processes of intercultural interaction and their consequences are highlighted, the main factors of transformation are identified. Historical and geographical aspects of settlement are revealed. Modern ethnocultural areas were structured using the D. Meinig system, stages of the formation of its elements were highlighted. We show that isolation has contributed to the preservation of culture and acculturation, but the inevitable interaction with the outside world is accompanied by significant assimilative processes. Sociological studies have revealed the presence of dual identity in the vast majority of Old Believers. The intercultural contacts of the Old Believers were based on the positive complementarity and the forms of neutral coexistence of ethnic groups (according to L. N. Gumilev): xenia and symbiosis. The character of interaction with neighboring ethnic groups is shown on the example of Mordovians. Historical and geographical and modern ethnocultural groups are distinguished in the composition of the Old Believers’ population of Orenburg. The ethnocultural and cultural system of the Old Believers was transformed. Most of the ethnophors assimilated, however, they retained their identity (in most cases, double) and lifestyle elements, and also during the process of acculturation influenced the cultural appearance of the territory.
Key words local ethnocultural group, Old Believers, intercultural interaction, transformation, acculturation, assimilation, identity
Article information
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Full articleIntercultural Interaction as a Factor of Transformation of Local Ethnocultural Groups (on the Example of the Old Believers of the Orenburg Region)