Article name Functional Model of the Notions’ Forming Process on Family Relationship at the Senior Preschool Children
Authors Golbert E.V.Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.01
Article type
Annotation The structural-functional model of the process of the notions’ forming process on family relationship at the senior preschool children is worked out and scientific substantiating on the basis of the psychological and pedagogical work’s analysis is presented in this article. Two initial models of the family relationship are selected: the complete family (father, mother and one senior under school age child) and single-parent family (mother and one preschool child). In the context of the study, the author turns upon the study into the family from social representations about family position. The author presents the components of the pedagogical model: priority goal, which takes the components of family relations into consideration; pedagogical conditions of the notions’ forming process about family relations of the senior preschool children, criteria basis of the notions’ formation process on family relationship of the senior preschool children as the goal and result of the notions’ formation; formation’s notions levels of the senior preschool children.
Key words model, notions, family relationship, social notions, family
Article information
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Full articleFunctional Model of the Notions’ Forming Process on Family Relationship at the Senior Preschool Children