Article name Network Support in the Formation of Junior Pupil’s Moral Values
Authors Sudyina S.B.Post graduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.017.924
Article type
Annotation The research considers the issue on using the informational and communicative sources of the Internet by junior pupils; the results revealed that 86 % of 25 pupils use the resources of the communicative-informational world network “the Internet”, 14% don’t use it due to different reasons. The author came to the conclusion that at junior school age children are used to IT (informational technology). The author considers that the information flow in the nets greatly influences on the formation of junior pupils’ moral values and their perception of the world, who are active users of the networks. The necessity and opportunity of using informational-communicative networks to educate children morally is proved in the article. The author determines pedagogical support in the formation of junior pupil’s moral values which is realized with the help of informational-communicative networks as a network support in the formation of moral values, and believes the consideration of network support possible as one of the conditions of the effective formation of junior pupil’s moral values.
Key words education process, pedagogical support, network support, junior pupil’s moral values, informational-communicative network
Article information
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Full articleNetwork Support in the Formation of Junior Pupil’s Moral Values