Article name Pedagogical Support of Students’ Spiritual and Moral Culture Becoming in the Educational Process
Authors Dimitrieva V.N.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation In the article the purpose, objectives, content, stages, prerequisites and conditions of effectiveness of the process of pedagogical support of becoming personal spiritual and moral culture of students are formulated. The use of methods of theoretical analysis of scientific literature and government documents dedicated to the spiritual and moral education of young people, including students, allowed the development of the author’s concept of the process of pedagogical support of becoming personal spiritual and moral cultureof students. The concept corresponds leading innovative educational approaches (humanities, anthropological, cultural and dialogic, axiological, ontological, existential, androgogics, student- activity, symbolic and contextual) and takes into account the essential characteristics of becomingspiritual and moral culture of the person. The author views this phenomenon as a non-linear one caused by subject activity and necessary for the implementation of human in man the process of becoming spiritual and moral qualities. The process is carried out through development the combined spiritual basis system unity of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual inclinations of the person, through communication and interaction with people and the world in the cultural and creative activity and through conscious choice and creation of spiritual and moral values and meanings correlating with the supra-individual transcendental ideal which is embodied in national and universal secular and religious culture.
Key words student, person, spiritual and moral culture, becoming, pedagogical support, educational process
Article information
References 1. Dimitrieva V. N. Stanovlenie dukhovno-nravstvennoi kul’tury lichnosti kak paradigmal’noe ponyatie // Vestnik Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. «Pedagogika. Psikhologiya». 2012. № 9. S. 25–32. 2. Shogan V. V. Regulyativnye printsipy prakticheskoi organizatsii dukhovnonravstvennogo obrazovaniya studentov // Izvestiya kafedry pedagogiki Pedagogicheskogo instituta Yuzhnogo federal’nogo universiteta. Vyp. 2: Kontseptosfera i kul’turnye praktiki dukhovno-nravstvennogo vospitaniya v shkole i vuze. Rostov n/D: Bulat; Donizdat, 2010. S. 29–38.
Full articlePedagogical Support of Students’ Spiritual and Moral Culture Becoming in the Educational Process