Article name Physical Education of Orphan Students by Introducing the Program of the Course «Individual Approach»
Authors Ismiyanov V.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 796.015
Article type
Annotation The author of the article tells that today the pedagogical potential of the technical institutes of higher education of Siberian region: Irkutsk State Railway University, Irkutsk State Technical University, Transbaikal Railway Institute, Ulan-Ude Railway Institute, Krasnoyarsk Railway Transport Institute, Bratsk State University, Angarsk State Technical Academy, with respect to orphan students, requires the adoption of new technologies in pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. He presents the program of special course “The individual approach” which is scientifically based and introduced into educational process of physical education of orphan students in Irkutsk State Railway University, which has been selected as an experimental base for research,. The content of developed program is directed to the expansion of individual contacts in sports activity, assistance in resolving internal and external conflicts, improving the health, psychological and physical condition, the level of knowledge and skills, as well as formation of personally characteristics to adapt to the educational area.
Key words institute of higher education, physical education, orphan student, special course program, adaptation.
Article information
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Full articlePhysical Education of Orphan Students by Introducing the Program of the Course «Individual Approach»