Article name Secondary School - Higher Education Institution continuity in the Field of Information Science
Authors Kholmogorova, E.I.Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 377.12 : 004
Article type
Annotation The paper examines the issues of continuity in the information science teaching at the stage of secondary school and higher education institution. The idea of continuity is presented as a whole, and particularly – secondary school-higher education institution continuity. The main reasons for the absence of continuity at this stage are given. One of the main reasons is the different level of school leavers’ training in the field of information science and communications technology (ICT). The main factors and objective causes of different levels of knowledge in school training of first-year students are focused on. To solve this problem, the author proposes the conditions of the university teachers’ academic process planning. A differentiated approach to the teaching and forming special groups to improve the first-year students’ skills in the field of information science and ICT is presented.
Key words continuity, continuity: secondary school-higher education institution, level of training, level of knowledge, lifelong education, differentiated approach, information technologies, information science
Article information
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Full articleSecondary School - Higher Education Institution continuity in the Field of Information Science