Article name Design and Research Competence as an Important Professional Quality of the Future Specialist
Authors Rozdobudko M.O.Аssistant
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.6
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the main requirements of specialist’s preparation in the field of agriculture in the conditions of the innovative educational environment, the views and concrete approaches of modern Ukrainian and foreign pedagogics are analyzed in relation to the introduction of the competence approach in the course of training. The possibilities of formation the design and research competence are illustrated on the example of physics studying. The formation mechanism is studied in the course of training in future experts of the agricultural profile as one of the most important professional design and research competence. The classification of projects and their division into typological sign is fulfilled. The delimitation and differentiation of concepts such as activity, research activity, and educational research are based on the analysis of various Referencess. Some aspects of successful research activity in physics are distinguished. The concept of design and research activity is formulated on the base of the analysis of kinds of activity, and distinguished its structure.
Key words competence, project, research, activity, process
Article information
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Full articleDesign and Research Competence as an Important Professional Quality of the Future Specialist