Article name Modern Approaches to the Study of the Impact Category: Eco-Psychological Aspect
Authors Shlimakova I.I.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.923.2
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the impact category based on eco-psychological approach. The importance of this category in psychological science is shown; the peculiarities of meaningful essence of the word “impact” in the Ukrainian and the Russian languages are presented. Modern approaches to the defining impact phenomenon, to the determining object and subject of influence are analyzed. The typology of influences is characterized, basic methodological problems associated with the classification of influences, with correlation of intra-subjective (internal) and inter-subjective (external) influences are comprehended. Advisability of impact phenomenon studying in the context of environmental psychology is considered. It is determined that eco-psychological approach enables studying intrasubjective impact as an important element of the integrated functioning system of a person, who mobilizes its own capabilities of the subject as well as its individual system of internal regulation, which mediates inter-subjective influences. The eco-psychological influences are systematized and three systems such as “person- environment”, “person-person” and “self- system” are defined.
Key words influence, impact, psychological impact, environmental psychology, ecopsychological influence
Article information
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Full articleModern Approaches to the Study of the Impact Category: Eco-Psychological Aspect