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Article name | Social and Psychological Outlines in the Study of Civic Competence |
Authors | Borets Y.V.Post graduate Student |
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UDK | 159.9 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the problem of civic competence, which is examined through the four most important competencies such as environmental, economic, moral and legal. Each of them in their display forms is represented by four components such as motivational, cognitive, communicative and behavioral and in the structure of “Self-concept”. All components are integrated into the determined competencies and generally represent meaningful civic competence of personality. Civic competence is regarded as a level of maturity (ability, readiness), erudition and congruent proficiency of personality (skills and abilities) in implementation of civil and social life, when the deeds and actions, behavior and activities, even in non-professional fields, are carried out according to legal and moral norms, economic and ecological foundations of modern civil society. Emphasizing the level of social maturity, expertise, erudition and proficiency (skillfulness and dexterity) to provide congruent in different spheres of one’s own civil and social activity, in this definition we rely on the development of traits and qualities of the personality in: − Activity of the personality on the basis of communication, creativity, volitional acts, active life position of a person that is expressed in his ideological principles, consistency, advocating his views, the unity of word and deed. − Subjective importance of psychological knowledge, skills and abilities, attitudes that come from personal involvement in the case. Such knowledge and skills must be relevant, complicit. − Congruence of behavior and effective solving of the problems due to the penetration, concurrency, concordance but not internal adjacency, interpersonal sphere, communication, social activities, in standard or atypical situations. − Psychological position of a person as sustainable attitudes to others, to oneself, to the values and activities that are seen through the prism of significance of personal activity. − Self-development and self-improvement that in the phenomenon of civic competence are manifested as a dynamic self-regulatory system that provides movement, selftransformation, and progressive development. |
Key words | civic competence, competencies, components of civil competence, personal and behavioral components of civic competence |
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Full article | Social and Psychological Outlines in the Study of Civic Competence |