Article name Psychological Problems of School Ecological Education
Authors Dzyatkovskaya E.N.Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 159:373
Article type
Annotation The possibilities and limitations of theoretical and practical using of environmental psychology and pedagogy in school ecological education for sustainable development are analyzed. The changes which happened in methodology and didactics of the general ecological education and demanded updating of its psychological content were considered. The terms, key ideas and planned results of ecological psychology and pedagogics, on the one hand, and ecological education for a sustainable development, on the other hand, are compared. Problems of the subjective and objective relations with the nature are raised. Needs of modern ecological education for ecological psychology development are formulated. The questions concerns an age periodization of students’ understanding of ecological and moral imperatives, key contradictions of ecological consciousness of the modern person and creation of psychological tools to diagnose the ecological education results for stable development are considered.
Key words environmental psychology and pedagogy – ecological education, psychological relationships – ecological relationships, ecological consciousness – naturalistic consciousness
Article information
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