Article name Reflection as a Mechanism of Teenager’s Personality Development
Authors Rapatsky B.I.Post graduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.955.4
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the phenomenon of reflection in the cultural and historical aspects. The reflection influence on the development of the teenager’s personality, on the formation of his new level of self-consciousness is considered. The aim of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of reflection as one of the mechanisms of teenagers’ personality development. The structure of reflection is presented. Based on the big material in the theoretical overview, the interpretation of the concept ‘reflection’ in the philosophical and psychological literature is given. The aspects of the problem development of reflection in the Soviet psychology are highlighted. The functions of reflection as a component of human consciousness are analyzed in detail. Its importance in adolescence period is proved. Reflection allows teenagers understand themselves, their inner world, and the other people’s inner world, and qualifies teenagers for the full self-regulation. The stages of teenagers’ reflection development are determined.
Key words self-consciousness, reflection,reflection functions,personal development, teenager
Article information
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Full articleReflection as a Mechanism of Teenager’s Personality Development