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Article name | The Theoretical Aspects of Personal Disorders Study |
Authors | Korotkov P.V.Post graduate Student |
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UDK | 316.6 |
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Annotation | The meaning of «personal disorders» has been analyzed in the article. Their aetiology and classification were examined. The theoretical analysis of the state of this problem was made. It is defined that lack of information psychological and social-psychological direction about personal disorders has been influencing on the peculiarities of diagnostic psychological correction disorders in the everyday activity of psychologists. It is determined that investigation of personal disorders (psychopathies) has long and many-sided historical aspect. Common views of scientists on the problem of interpretation, of classification and correction of personal disorders are absent nowadays. It is determined that in social-psychological context personal disorders mean deep laid steady settled of behavior models, which are distinguished inflexibility of reaction on the wide spectrum of various social situations.The author’s determination of «social-psychological disorders» was offered. The essence of given meaning was exposed. Social-psychological disorders are interpreted by us, as deviation in the development personality, which appears in the process of communication in the social midst and lead to disturbance of conductive, communicative, adaptive conditions of life activity. |
Key words | psychopathies, personal disorders, socialsychological disorders |
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Full article | The Theoretical Aspects of Personal Disorders Study |