Article name The Results of the Correlation Analysis of the Interrelation of Measures between Psychomotor Qualities and Perceptive and Cognitive Development of Elementary School Children of Various Intelligence Levels
Authors Shevtsova Y.V.Post graduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 616–072.8
Article type
Annotation The article gives the author’s analysis of the results of the independent experimental research, in which the purpose and capacity of using the correlation analysis in psychology are discussed. The author gives the summary for possibilities of applying the coefficients of correlation depending on the level of correlative interrelations between the figures, which characterize the condition of psychomotor and perceptive and cognitive development of mentally retarded elementary school children and their healthy counterparts with standard level of intelligence. Both groups of children (References and experimental groups) undergo the test of their intelligence level and psychomotor qualities. During the psycho-physiological research the following methodological approaches were used: Metric scale of measuring children’s and juveniles’ motor performance, developed by M. I. Ozeretsky; the scheme of adapted neuropsychological research of preschoolers and elementary schoolers; the complex of psycho-physiological testing of children. The received data were compared and the level of correlation connections between the researched figures was determined. The correlation analysis of the results of neuropsychological and psycho-physiological research of children of various intelligence levels involving classical, generally accepted test tasks gave the possibility to determine significant and high levels of correlative interrelations between the value of psychomotor qualities and perceptive and cognitive functions among elementary school children.
Key words correlation analysis, psycho-physiological research, perceptive and cognitive functions, psychomotor development, intellectual incompetence, elementary school children, intelligence
Article information
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Full articleThe Results of the Correlation Analysis of the Interrelation of Measures between Psychomotor Qualities and Perceptive and Cognitive Development of Elementary School Children of Various Intelligence Levels