Article name Dialectics of the Absolute and the Relative in the Eschatological Views of E. Trubetskoy
Authors Privalova M.V.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description
UDK 130.1
Article type
Annotation The subject of study in this article is the dialectical correlation of the relative and the absolute in human life of 19th –20th centuries within the Russian eschatological tradition. The author believes that the peculiar characteristics of the Russian national character, which are so often spoken and written about, are not innate psychological reality, but the result of historical development. Russian national identity has always been distinguished by the tragic belief in the achievement of a better life, the messianic belief in Russia’s special role in the world history. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the apocalyptic approach of E. Trubetskoy to understanding social issues of Russians and the international communities. In Trubetskoy’ philosophy the absolute spirit is the perfect thing (God), and the relative – the premises, determinants of the absolute. The idea of the end proximity does not fully depreciate relative values, but only makes think of their subordinate significance. The philosopher considers the End of the world as the second and final advent of Christ, i. e. not just the cessation of the world process but the achievement of the objectives, the transformation of humanity into Godlike humanity.
Key words Absolute, absolute and relative values, eschatology, man, society, national identity and spirituality
Article information
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Full articleDialectics of the Absolute and the Relative in the Eschatological Views of E. Trubetskoy