Article name The Problem of Value System in Modern Russia
Authors Prokofyeva D.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 165+11/12
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the problem of values in modern Russia. Describing the modern society as a “consumer society”, we see how it infringes upon the human personality and promotes the decline of culture and morality. We appeal to research by E. Cassirer and S. L. Rubinstein, who paid more attention to people’s cultural estrangement and moral estrangement. We consider the concepts and reasons of cultural, moral and ethical estrangement in relation to contemporary Russian reality. Within this issue we underline another important aspect – the values of education and culture estrangement. Here we touch on the problem of secondary and higher education, their today’s imperfection does not solve, but sometimes reinforce the cultural and moral estrangement of people and society in general. In this article we analyze how the system of values changed in Russia in different historical periods. Seeing the lack of an adequate system of values in our country nowadays we focus on the values and norms which might help to fund and consolidate the Russian society.
Key words values, value system, estrangement, cultural estrangement, moral estrangement, the values of education estrangement
Article information
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Full articleThe Problem of Value System in Modern Russia