Article name Professionalization of the Cultural Text Production in the Context of Contemporary Social and Cultural Transformations
Authors Sergeev D.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation Now the transformation of the cultural and semantic sphere coincided with changes in industrial society: emergence of the techno-structure, rapid development of technology, labor market modifications, changes in the social and age structure, globalization and the intensification of cross-cultural interaction and several others. These transformations determined the professionalization of cultural semantic sphere. Modern society requires experts whose professional activities are related to the creation of cultural texts, semiotic and cultural codes, to semantic help and interpretive assistance of some social groups. At the same time the professions of cultural semantic sphere are democratized. The intensification of information flows and intercultural communication makes a person face daily emerging cultural and semantic problems. For this reason the competences related to reading cultural texts play very important role in various segments of society in everyday practices. The analysis of educational programs in world’s leading universities confirms growing role and relevance of cultural semantic professions which suppose to provide different social groups with interpretive and communicational services. Semantic helper is especially needed in the context of insensitive cultural interaction and a increasing process of globalization.
Key words cultural text, cultural semantics, social and cultural problems of cultural text production, information society, educational program, labor-market
Article information
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Full articleProfessionalization of the Cultural Text Production in the Context of Contemporary Social and Cultural Transformations