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Article name | Methodological Approaches to the Social Evolution Researching |
Authors | Subbotina N.D.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor dialectica@yandex. ru |
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UDK | 101 |
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Annotation | This article discusses a number of methodological approaches of researching the natural and social evolutions. The concept of two types of development: development based on external premises and development based the own premises. This concept allows us to consider the evolution of the biosphere in the world as a stage of evolution, based on the external, natural assumptions, and social evolution as a global stage of evolution, growing mainly on its own basis. Dialectic of identity and difference is the key to the analysis of the dialectic of conservation and change in the natural and social evolution. In this case, it is found that in the biosphere evolution the preservation predominates, and in social evolution, thanks to the development of human qualities such as logical thinking, selfawareness, the ability to creative activity and the need for freedom, change comes to the first place. All together it is their own internal conditions of social evolution, and is the cause of accelerating the society development. At the same time, the speed of natural evolution is slow. Emerging “scissors” creates tension between the natural and social sides of human. Natural evolution requires a person to perform the functions of conservation, and social – is a change function. However, not all changes have favorable consequences for society; many of them are a threat to human existence. |
Key words | Hegel, natural evolution, social evolution, identity, difference, preservation, amendment, acceleration of social development, human qualities |
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Full article | Methodological Approaches to the Social Evolution Researching |