Article name Critical Analysis of Classical Concepts of Understanding of the Term «Value»
Authors Suslin R.A.Postgraduate Student
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UDK 17
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the search of the alternative determination of the concept «value». An attempt is made to solve an age-old problem concerned with the so-called «amorphousness» (indefiniteness, uncertainty) of the concept «value» in a way that does not negatively impact on its empirical nature. This attempt is made on the basis of the critical analysis of fundamental definitions of values. Implementation of synergy of natural and phenomenological directions of the fundamental axiology according to the personified approach is suggested as a solution of this problem. According to this approach a holder of values is provided with a definite set of values. The main category of Kant value system «duty» related to unselfishness in this work is seen as a connecting link between natural and phenomenological paradigms. The article suggests the main definitions of the concept «value» given by classical and post-classical axiologists, representatives of utilitarian, hedonistic, transcendental, behavioral, hedonistic-psychoanalytical and some other branches of axiology. The structuring of definitions was made upon formal (explicit and implicit definitions) and content-related (explicit and maximum or supreme definitions) criteria. Their characteristic features are given. Definitions described by means of different aspects of value, the socalled «internal» definitions and definitions of «vicious circle» are singled out as separate categories.As a result of the analysis general drawbacks are defined which can be considered as the reason of «crisis» of classic axiology, and their correction formed the basis for the development of the alternative determination of the concept «value».
Key words value, concept, definition, naturalism, phenomenologism, personalism, universalism, unselfishness, significance
Article information
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Full articleCritical Analysis of Classical Concepts of Understanding of the Term «Value»