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Article name | Russian Society in the “Period” of Global Changes |
Authors | Sytykh O.L.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor |
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UDK | 316. 3/4 |
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Annotation | The changes taking place in the Russian society are analyzed in this article. The author emphasizes the global nature of these changes. In Russia, as in other countries, there are changes in all spheres of society. But those changes have their own specifics. The author pays the attention to the appearance of precariat as a special social group. Among the reasons of the precariousness, special attention is paid to the change of personality characteristics of modern person. In the analysis of the “new” personality characteristics, the author applies to the Z. Bauman’s work. Bauman described the typical changes of European society. The article shows these changes in Russia. The author notes that people in modern Russia are changing there priorities. In Russia as well as in the West, the youth formed a new understanding of freedom. But the specifics of the Russian economic life of youth impact on the adoption of a new understanding of freedom of Russian people. This article analysis one of the paradoxes of the modern political life. It is that power for the people becomes more and more elusive. It is one side. And on the other there is a creating visibility for their further rapprochement. The author shows this paradox on the E-government. The particular interest to the problems of public and private life of “public figures” – also makes Russia closer to other countries. Today this interest replaces the former interest to the public programs and real policy of public people. |
Key words | society, identity, globalization, changes, changes precariat, freedom, politics, youth interests. |
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Full article | Russian Society in the “Period” of Global Changes |