Article name Transformation of Reality Interpretations in Science and Philosophy
Authors Chernikova I.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 001.1
Article type
Annotation The paper highlights the development of various reality models in science and in philosophic reflection. The representations of reality in classical, non-classical and postnonclassical scientific paradigms are compared; the correlation between interpretations of reality in three paradigms emphasized by Jurgen Habermas is revealed: classic metaphysics or objectivity paradigm, transcendentalism or subjectivity philosophy, third philosophy paradigm – paradigm of inter-subjectivity. Various concepts of scientific realism are analyzed: inner realism, metaphysical realism, natural realism and perspective realism. It is noted, that application of the constructivist schemes of cognition actualized the realism dilemma – antirealism. The problem of realism is analyzed in the context of contemporary science and philosophy achievements. It is fixed, that realism is the basis of scientific ideology; denial of the realistic orientation inevitably results in relativism. The approach, developed in context of process philosophy and evolutionary-synergetic paradigm of the contemporary science with actualized ideas of evolutionary epistemology and epistemological constructivism, is considered as more promising. Nowadays, while scientific cognition is transformed in techno-science, human being constructs not only visual world traditionally marked as objective world, at present natural world is complemented with artificial artifacts of information technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology. And the border between artificial and natural disappears, and the representation of reality is changed. Reality is not interpreted as external in relation to the cognoscitive, like environment is not external in relation to auto-poetic system. Cognitive apparatus was designed in the evolution process of the natural world. Science as a product of integration between cognitive evolution and cultural evolution creates new level of reality filled with hybrids of nature and culture.
Key words reality, process-system, self-developing system, subject, cognition, constructivism, scientific realism
Article information
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