Article name Iconographic Canon and Philosophic Grounding of its Representation in the Creativity by Modern Orthodox Artists
Authors Drobnaya E.V.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the vital problem of culture continuity. The author considers that the retrospection of modern authors to orthodox canon is becoming natural in this sphere: they help to preserve cultural traditions, solve problem of generation gap (including overcoming the interpret conflict between cultural generations, which is determined by the interruption of religious tradition in the several people generations), form axiological system of the society by representation of iconographic spiritual senses canon in their works. The author investigates philosophical sources (hesychasm) of canon origin and its existence in orthodox icon painting. Hesychasm includes a concept of synergetic creation, which supposes the human’s possibility to conform into the God by realization of his own talents. The author turns to works of the Russian philosophers and finds theoretical grounds of sophisticated synergetic creation and possibility to include canon’s spiritual sense in the art paintings (there are levels of “divine”, “sacred” and “human” language of canon). Also philosophers examine the problem of canon interiorization in their works. The author touches upon works of modern orthodox artists Pavel Ryzhenko and Kirill Kiselyov to illustrate the Christian (orthodox) idea of synergetic creation as an essential feature of artistic creation and opportunity to include spiritual sense of iconographic canon into art works too. These artists use spiritual senses of the Russian icon in their work. They try not only to reproduce religious canon’s spiritual meaning but to adapt it for contemporaries’ perception. In this way canon’s spiritual sense becomes clearer and easier for understanding by modern audience.
Key words hesychasm, canon, synergism, representation, interiorization, spiritual senses, orthodox artists
Article information
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Full articleIconographic Canon and Philosophic Grounding of its Representation in the Creativity by Modern Orthodox Artists